• Blog

    (Wordless) May

    We need not hasten back to a life where "busy" is synonymous with "important" when we have learned the skill of being still. We can dwell in discernment and welcome things of worth back into our lives while we respectfully set aside those that were never deserving of our time and freedom. The treasure is in the transition.

  • Blog

    Let the Danger Drift

    My six-year-old came inside, flushed from the freedom of a spring afternoon. Sitting down to take her shoes off, she was oblivious to a small bee crawling away just an inch from her skin. I happened to spot it, and thinking I would save her from certain agony I told her to get up slowly and come toward me. I…

  • Homeschool

    You Decide.

    My original inaugural homeschool post looked much different from the one you’re now reading. It was entitled “3 Reasons We Chose to Homeschool”, and while it simmers in my pile of drafts for potential publication, I find it is abruptly outdated in the face of COVID-19 school closures. We have found joy in our decision to homeschool. And much of…

  • Blog


    “April, come she will.” -Simon & Garfunkel There are few things more lovely than the unexpected spring. Although I’ve now seen it unfold 37 times, I still marvel when branches burst with buds, buds erupt into blossoms, and blossoms blaze with fragrant beauty. Spring is somehow sweeter this year. In a defiant juxtaposition to the world’s suffering, this season reminds…

  • Blog


    I’ve never equated the month of March to the verb by the same name. Until now. March holds the promise of spring. In the Midwest, March is the bringer of buds, guiding our eyes up from the blanket of fallen leaves to the outstretched branches that are yawning into life. It may snow yet, but the cold air has undertones…

  • Parenthood

    I’m Not Cut Out For It.

    Parenting, that is. I’m not cut out for it. Maybe you aren’t either. Or maybe you just wonder sometimes, briefly hearing your soul speak the words before silencing them in shame. We aren’t wrong, you know. I don’t think any of us are cut out for “it”. Parenting is a loaded word and an even more loaded vocation, and if…

  • Blog


    It’s February – mercifully, the shortest month of the year. The sacred holiday season is behind us, the energy of a new year has subsided, and the groundhog – short of telling me it will be seventy degrees and sunny by tomorrow – will report nothing that can satisfy my need for the certainty of sunshine. I like to think,…